Saturday, May 23, 2020
Body Image - 957 Words
Body Image The essay titled â€Å"The Body of the Beholder†by Michele Ingressia from the textbook To the Point is about how black girls and white girls view their bodies. If you were to make a comparison Michele Ingressia says that they view their body images in very different ways. She writes about how black girls don’t mind gaining some weight while white girls do. They are always dieting to have the perfect body but never satisfied with what they have. This essay seems to be a very persuasive because it provides facts and statistics to back up what she has to say. In the first section of her essay Michele Ingressia writes about how obsessed white girls are with staying thin and how African American teens are in fact satisfied and†¦show more content†¦Then she concludes her essay stating that while the black image of beauty may be saner it can also be unhealthy. Michele Ingressia got a quote from a 15 year old named Muhammad Latif from Harlem who said, à ¢â‚¬Å"You have to be real fat for me to notice†(450). There was another quote from a sixteen year old who said that he didn’t like the fact that some of them are really skinny that it feels like they’re going to break them. She states an Arizona study that is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development that says, â€Å"64 percent of the black girls thought it was better to be a little overweight that underweight†(450). She continuously provides evidence of what she is going to talk about. In her conclusion she states that the black image of beauty may be a good way for having self esteem but it is also not healthy and says that they are indeed in real dangers of obesity. Throughout the entire essay she provides countless of information and evidence. She not only has direct quotes from teens but she also has stats and evidence to back up what she has to say about how very differently white girls and black girls view their bodies. It is clearly showed that this essay is not only a really good essay but it is also veryShow MoreRelatedBody Image And Body Images1896 Words  | 8 Pagesfeelings of body image. Many people think a dancer’s personal vision of their body image is an important part of their psychological health and well-being and can help or hinder their dance performance. But what is body image? Body image is both perceptual (what we see) and affective (how we feel about what we see) (Rudd Carter, 2006). Cash, (2004) referred body image to the multifaceted psychological experience of embodiment, especially one’s physical appearance and encompasses one’s body-relatedRead MoreEating Disorders And Body Image Essay1115 Words  | 5 PagesKarlye Weber AMST 3723 Dr. Carreiro 15 November 2016 Typically when covering the topic of eating disorders and body image dissatisfaction athletes and young women are the center of research and are stereotyped to be the only groups of people who suffer from self-image issues. In â€Å"The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image,†authors Justine Reels and Katherine Beals look to breakdown the stereotypes and dig deeper into the issues that cross over the borders of ethnicity, age and genderRead MoreThe Body Image Movement Aims Essay1780 Words  | 8 Pages2014). Movements have purposes, even when these have to do with transforming members themselves rather then the worlds outside the movement (Jasper 2014). The body image movement aims to improve the relationship between women and their bodies in a more positive manner (Dove 2014). Currently, women are suffering from an increase in body self-consciousness as a result of medias role regarding beauty ideals. Researchers have found that women worldwide do not view themselves as beautiful and are consistentlyRead MoreBad Body Image Days Or Bad Self Image1235 Words  | 5 PagesBad body image days or bad self-image days, in general, are something that every person at some point in time endures. Everyone has their insecurities and some days these insecurities strike out to us more so than other days. Being our own worst critic, the days you wake up swearing you gained 10 pounds over night or the days you wake up shocked to see your face as one inflamed pimple can be extremely hindering. We all love morning stomach but some days you wake up bloated and feeling a tad moreRead MoreThe Impact Of Fitspiration Images On College Women s Body Image1433 Words  | 6 Pages​It is undeniable that the body changes many times throughout the length of adulthood. Education is one indicator that a person has began their journey into adulthood. Attending a University is a time when many men and women set out on their own to find their own identity and place in the world. Part of that identity is body image. Tiggemann and Zaccardo (2015) conducted research that aimed to investigate the impact of fitspiration images on college women’s body image. Participants included 130 femaleRead MoreBody Image : The African American Culture1667 Words  | 7 PagesBody Image in the African American Culture Today we live in a society that over the years has become so obsessed with body image and how an individual should look. Different cultures have different standards and norms that help to define their ideal body image. African Americans because of their differences in culture have gone against most cultural norms and have set their own definitions of beauty, body image, and body satisfaction. Because of these key differences, the African American communityRead MorePositive Body Image Group Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pages Body image disturbance, or BID, can have negative effects on individuals and can be found among many different ages of women. In fact, BID can even be found in girls as young as age seven. Many negative effects have been attributed to BID, such as increased anxiety, stress, and depression, which can cause issues both psychologically and physically (Devaraj Lewis, 2010). Therefore, there is a need to help women combat these negative effects of body image disturbance and help maintain a more positiveRead MoreNegative Body Image of Women in the Media2325 Words  | 10 Pagesside effects resulting in low self-esteem, eating disorders, or depression. Media projects images of women that have been surgically or technologically edited, these projections are causing negative effects. These unrealistic women have a greater effect on young women today, society has enveloped this idea that we have to meet this certain image. We have become so overwhelmed with the stereotypical image causi ng great disapproval for women who are slightly overweight. Everyone wants to look theirRead MoreThe Media And It s Impute On Body Image1850 Words  | 8 Pages2015 The Media and It’s Impute on Body Image There are no questions to whether the media has influenced the self-consciousness people have on their body or not. Whether it is the front of a magazine cover or in a film or television show, the selection of models or actors are primarily thin or fit leading readers and viewers to worry or want to change the way their body looks. Body image is the way one sees oneself and imagine how one looks. Having a positive body image means that most of the time someoneRead MoreSocietal Expectations And Media Influences Of Body Image Essay1769 Words  | 8 PagesExpectations and Media Influences of Body Image Numerous studies have been conducted on the various aspects of the impact and societal expectations held by north America and the impacts that it has on today’s youth. Body Image is a picture or mental image of your own body and how you view it.However, during my research process, there were very few sources that supported the media’s projection of body image. As we explore all the aspects of what body image really is and what impact may the media
Monday, May 18, 2020
Financial Fraud Fraud Against Older Americans - 1080 Words
Financial Fraud †¢ â€Å"900†Telephone number fraud †¢ Advance-fee loan schemes †¢ Charity fraud †¢ Credit card fraud †¢ Schemes that charge money for services that the Government provides for free †¢ Cute-rate health insurance fraud †¢ Investment fraud (Ponzi Schemes) †¢ Solicitations disguised as invoices †¢ Oil and gas investment fraud †¢ Land fraud Fraud Against Older Americans †¢ Sweepstakes advice for the elderly Sweepstakes and Lottery Fraud †¢ Illegal sweepstakes information †¢ Chain letters †¢ Free-prize scheme †¢ Foreign lotteries by mail †¢ Government look-a-like mail †¢ Free vacation scams Telemarketing Fraud †¢ Rules for telephone solicitations †¢ Characteristics of telemarketing fraud Other Types of Mail Fraud †¢ Home improvement and home repair†¦show more content†¦The process of the mail when it is sent out for delivery, the employee when dropping mail becomes aware of a bad address has to bring it back to their location and then gets processed to be return back to the original sender for a bad address. â€Å"Postal Inspectors across the country work hard to protect your mail, but with deliveries to more than 100 million addresses, the Postal Inspection Service can’t do the job alone. Here are some things the Postal Inspection Service recommends you can do to protect your mail from thieves: †¢ Use the letter slots inside your Post Office for your mail, or hand it to a letter carrier. †¢ Pick up your mail promptly after delivery. Don’t leave it in your mailbox overnight. If you’re expecting checks, credit cards, or other negotiable items, ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up your mail. †¢ If you don’t receive a check or valuable mail you’ re expecting, contact the issuing agency immediately. †¢ If you change your address, immediately notify your Post Office and anyone with whom you do business with via the mail. †¢ Don’t send cash in the mail. †¢ Tell your Post Office when you’ll be out of town, so they can hold your mail until you return. †¢ Report all suspected mail theft to a Postal Inspector. †¢ Consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By exchanging work and vacation schedules with trusted friends and neighbors, you can watch each other’sShow MoreRelatedIntroduction . There Are Several Different Types Of Crimes1620 Words  | 7 Pagescrimes committed against the elderly. A person is usually defined as elderly when he or she turns sixty-five or retires. The elderly population makes up a significant part of the United States population. Also, the population is expanding as the baby boomer generation began to retire. The baby boomer generation has raised some concern, because it is suspected that the baby boomer generation will be wealthier than in the past. This could lead to an increase in crimes committed against the elderlyRead MoreThe Role Of Financial Elder Abuse Has Become An Epidemic845 Words  | 4 Pages Financial elder abuse has become an epidemic because it is a crime that lives in the shadows, and as long as it remains there, the l ist of victims is sure to grow. Approximately 12% of the cases reported to the National Center on Elder Abuse relate to finances, and the cost to the elderly and vulnerable victim averages $30,000. It is impossible to get accurate numbers on the radically underreported crime since the victims feels shame or are afraid of losing autonomy. Some estimates put the rateRead MoreNeglect As Defined By Merriam Webster Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom of exploitation when pertaining to seniors is that Social Security checks. Emotional abuse is also a category of abuse. This would be causing mental anguish on said elder person whether physical or non-physical acts. Roughly one in ten elderly Americans have experienced some form of elderly abuse. According to different studies five million per year are said to have experienced elderly abuse. This is of number from instances that have been reported. No matter if a person has senior citizens inRead MoreBernard Lawrence Madoff s Life1407 Words  | 6 PagesLawrence â€Å"Bernie†Madoff, American fraudster and a former stockbroker, investment advisor, and financier, born on April 29, 1938. His birth place in Queens, New York. His Birth name â€Å"Bernard Lawrence Madoff.†He was raised in a Jewish family with two siblings. His Mom Sylvia was a daughter of Romanian and Austrian immigrants and a housewife. His parents Ralph and Sylvia Madoff. His father Ralph, a child of Polish immigrants. And worked as a plumber for many years. In 1932, his parents got marriedRead MoreIdentification Theft And Identity Theft947 Words  | 4 Pagesto help put an end to this crime which is affecting millions of innocent Americans. Until then there are three important ways individual must protect themselves against identity theft, customers should understand how identity thieves work, guard their personal information, and learn how t o fight back. There are as many as eight or more different types of identity thefts, but these three are the more common types: Financial Identity Theft, Driver’s License Identity Theft, Social Security IdentityRead MoreThe Fbi : A Intelligent Law Enforcement Agency1222 Words  | 5 PagesFBI got its name? ; What type of cases do they work?. There are many requirements people have to pass before they can become an agent in the FBI. First one is candidates must be at least 23 years old and no older than 37 ( Veterans can be granted an age waiver if they are older than 37 years old ( Another requirement for the FBI is the candidate must be a United States citizen. Also the candidate can be a citizen of the Northern Mariana Islands ( MoreIncreasing Bank Frauds and Cyber Crimes2367 Words  | 10 PagesINTRODUCTION According to Edwin Sutherland s definition, white-collar crime refers to a relatively uniform behaviour involving actions undertaken by individuals to contribute to the financial success of the organization. They violate the law for the firm. Yet the definition is loose. An offence would be called a white-collar crime insofar as it represents violation of a legal rule constructed to govern business affairs or occupational practice and insofar as the law violation took place as partRead MoreSocial Problems With Age And Inequality1993 Words  | 8 Pagesis one that has stuck out to me the most. Many people tend to not think about Age and Inequality as an issue when it comes to older people. Yet, the truth is, this is a major social problem in our society. There is not straight cut answer to what this discrimination and abuse looks like, because it takes on so many different forms. Older People are often discriminated against in the work place, in their families and at their own car e facilities. The damages, emotionally and physically, are more oftenRead MoreThe Ford, Firestone, And The Financial Corporations On Wall Street1706 Words  | 7 Pagesthe behaviors of corporations, such as Ford, Firestone, and the financial institutions on Wall Street, could or should be understood as crime whether or not they have been prosecuted? How do these activities differ from those involved in â€Å"typical†street crimes? I believe that the behaviors of the Ford, Firestone, and the financial corporations on Wall Street were considered criminal behaviors. There was sufficient evidence against these corporations. Apparently, the prosecutors could not proveRead MoreMadoff s The Great Ponzi Scheme1242 Words  | 5 Pagesattorney Denny Chin that give a mere glimpse into the horrible impact that Bernie Madoff has had on 21st century American society. Madoff cheated investors worldwide in the biggest Ponzi scheme in American history stealing over sixty five billion dollars from his clients .His enormous ponzi scheme was essentially evil genius and because of this incredible con Madoff has become the face of fraud in the 21st century and someone who exemplifies the dark side of wall street. This is shown through the incredible
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Human Resource Management ( Hrm ) - 1508 Words
â€Å"Human resource management (HRM) is the managing of human skills and talents to make sure they are used effectively and in alignment with an organization’s goals†(Youssef, 2012). The primary role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and order policies and programmers designed to make prompt use of an organization’s human resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an organization. I currently work for a Human Resource agency in my town as a Workforce Development Manager. I do have some responsibilities as a human resource manager, but I am limited to some. In this reflective paper I will explain how the HRM aspects work together to perform their primary function and determine if any of the five are more valuable than the others. Finally, I will determine if the HRM role can be optimized for shaping organizational and employee behavior Areas of HRM When I think of human resource management, I think of recruiting, hiring and managing employees. Honestly in order for the human resource system to be effective there are many other aspects to think about such as ensuring health and safety, compensation and benefits, etc. â€Å"The human resource department is responsible for the management of the organization’s employee-related matters. The HR department attracts, hires, and retains the right employees, and it makes sure they perform according to expectations. The HR department also establishesShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1552 Words  | 7 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that has emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. The HRM department is organized by very talented managers who has a mission to make sure the rest of the business has the needs for successful operation. HumanRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1562 Words  | 7 PagesHuman resource management (HRM) is an important strategic and systematic approach that provides each company with the opportunity to create policies and practices, as well as to establish administrative forms (Pfeffer, 2007). According to Armstrong (2009) HRM is an approach that deals with ‘employment, development, and well-being of the people working in organizations’. However HRM has evolved significantly through the years due to the rapid social, economic, political and environmental changes.Read MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1142 Words  | 5 Pageshe HRM Process Human Resource Management (HRM) is a combination of elements that work interdependently on each other to carry out the daily functions within an organization. Human Resources Management operates in several roles serving as a liaison between the organization and the employee. This dual role often present challenges within HRM; therefore it is vital the HRM Department is skilled on various issues that may arise on a daily basis within an organization. In this paper, I will discussRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1105 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that has emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. The HRM department is organized by very talented managers who has a mission to make sure the rest o f the business has the needs for successful operation. HumanRead MoreHuman Resource Management : Hrm772 Words  | 4 Pagesa brief description of the models of HRM discussed in the first chapter of the textbook, and explain how each one relates to strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management (HRM) at its best seeks to manage people and resources to maximize economic and social outputs. Social output resulting from providing opportunity for advancement will ultimately make employees become true participants in the company. Bratton and Gold (2012) outline six HRM models, they are: the Forbrum, TichyRead MoreHrm And The And Human Resource Management1094 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction The main purpose to write this essay is to analogize the differences in the field of HRM and IR. The Foundation of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management is based on intense academic study. The essay is an endeavor to illustrate by scrutinizing their objectives and the viewpoints or the approaches of this field. The first part of the essay is an attempt to define HRM and IR and it further continues to explain the differences and similarities between the two. In the lastRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1405 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) seeks to manage people and resources to maximize economic and social outputs. Bratton and Gold (2012) outline six HRM models which include: the Forbrum, Tichy and Devanna model, the Harvard model, the Guest model, the Warwick model, The Storey model, and Ulrich’s Strategic Partner model of HRM. Forbrum Tichy and Devanna model of HRM is based on the principle of selecting, appraising, developing and rewarding employees who fulfill management strategic business interestsRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )2412 Words  | 10 Pages these human traits can bring considerable benefits to organizations†(Mullins 1999). However, when managed poorly they have the potential to limit organizational growth and threaten the viability of a business. â€Å"There are countless examples of corporate and project crises in the construction sector which have arisen as the result of people s behaviour, and it would seem that human resource management (HRM) has the potential to eliminate more construction risks than any other management approach†Read MoreHuman Resources Management ( Hrm ) Essay794 Words  | 4 Pages Human Resources Management (HRM) is people who work in an organization. The manager is a person who manages people, leads, facilitates and provide tools for the organization. Human resources management also, sets strategic processes and procedures, run difficult and complex communication as the organization attracts the best talents from the recruiting process. Human resources management is where everything begins and ends for an individual and the organization. ConsequentlyRead MoreHuman Resources Management ( Hrm )1229 Words  | 5 Pages Human Resources Management (HRM) is people who work in an organization. The manager is a person who manages people, leads, facilitates and provide tools for the organization. HRM sets strategic processes and procedures, run difficult and complex communication as the organization attracts the best talents from the recruiting process. Human resources management is where everything begins and ends for an individual and the organization. Meaning, it’s where total processes are created for the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative- Television Remote Essay - 681 Words
Personal Narrative- Television Remote Those who are recognized as having authority earn power because of strong leadership skills and the drive to make the world a better place. When people use power to do good deeds they gain respect. A typical leader also holds something in his or her hands, like a staff, that yields power. It is amazing to see people follow an individual who is holding on to something. If they could possess that object then they too could have power. I agree that one must hold something to attain power, but it isn’t a staff that is needed. What a true leader needs is the television remote. Believe it or not, that little battery-operated piece of plastic with the multi-colored buttons can make anyone the supreme†¦show more content†¦A surge of power runs through the ruler as the channel begins to change. The ruler prepares to make an important decision. The subjects hold their breath as images flash by on the screen and those who hoped for football are silently cheering when the ruler releases his or her finger from the remote button and stops on channel nine. The decision is made and football wins. After the ruler makes the decision, the peasants who still wish to watch a movie instead of football begin to plan a revolt. The revolt is not a gender issue. Men and women peasants work together to create a plan to gain control. The ruler can read the peasants’ minds and places a firm grip on the piece of plastic. When the remote is taken from the hands of the one on the throne, all power is lost. The peasants are a little smarter than the ruler is. They look for the ruler’s weakness. They calmly leave the television area and head for the kitchen. The ruler has something they want so they head out in search of something the ruler wants. The peasants return and make the ruler an offering of pop and chips. The ruler, who by this time feels that his or her authority over people is secure, accepts the offering. Still clinging to the remote with one hand the ruler opens a can of pop and begins to drink. The peasants watch the ruler drink and sit back and quietly watch the football game. Have they been defeated or are they only pretending?Show MoreRelatedThe Reason Of Importing Large Numbers Of Reality Tv Shows From Korea934 Words  | 4 Pagesshows from Korea Why do these satellite television stations become rushing to buy Korea s reality TV from at first learning from the western countries? Reality TV stemmed from Western countries, the source of Korea’s reality TV shows is also from Western countries. But Korea experienced imitation and study from the West, Reality TV this kind of programs has a new development. The main feature of Korea’s reality TV shows is celebrities participating. Television programme which is the outcome of cultureRead MoreDuped Or Cognizant?1400 Words  | 6 Pagescommodities or texts do not contain resources out of which the people can make their own meanings of their social relations and identities, they will be rejected and will fail in the marketplace. They will not be made popular†(2). For example, television shows that attract fan interests have a better chance of surviving than ones that do not. Producers who are interested in engaging with fans will generate more material relative to the show which subsequently, generates more profit, expands fantasiesRead MoreThe Globalization Of Eating Disorders1623 Words  | 7 Pagesspecific appeal is in a large part with very personal and relatable dialogue, about the sufferings of young adults that are affected by these issues. The author goes as far as to begin the writing, telling the story of a young girl â€Å"never fat to begin with, she’s been on a diet for a couple of weeks and has finally reached her goal weight of 115 at 5 to 4 inches†¦ but in her eyes she still looks dumpy†(639). The author goes on to make a point to this narrative, but just the thought of this girl’s unhappyRead MoreEssay about Media Influence Upon Modern Society2703 Words  | 11 Pages The Mass Media is a unique feature of modern society; its development has accompanied an increase in the magnitude and complexity of societal actions and engagements, rapid social change, technological innovation, rising personal income and standard of living and the decline of some traditional forms of control and authority. There is an association between the development of mass media and social change, although the degree and direction of this association is still debated upon even afterRead More Comic Art: The Seduction of the Innocent Essay3314 Words  | 14 Pagesor of superheroes, spandex optional, who fight crime and save the world on a regular basis. The comics can be loosely defined as a narrative in the form of a sequence of pictures - usually, but not always, with text (Sabin, 5). A graphic novel, such as The Sandman is commonly classified as, is a one-shot book form publication involving a continuous comic narrative, of a scope that is longer than a normal comic (Sabin, 235). But as Neil Gaiman, writer of The Sandman once remarked at being toldRead MoreMedia Events2341 Words  | 10 Pagespart of the Olympic Games as and as such cannot be explored as entirely separate. It was perhaps the advance of radio and satellite technology itself that contributed to the inception of the â€Å"media event†, as Dayan and Katz state; it was a â€Å"new narrative genre that employs the unique potential of the electronic media to command attention universally and simultaneously in order to tell a primordial story about current affairs (1994:1). Media events are characterized by their call to audiences to â€Å"stopRead MoreThe Work of Cindy Sherman Essay2883 Words  | 12 Pagescamera as has Cindy Sherman. Yet, while all of her photographs are taken of Cindy Sherman, it is impossible to class call her works self-portraits. She has transformed and staged herself into as unnamed actresses in undefined B movies, make-believe television characters, pretend porn stars, undifferentiated young women in ambivalent emotional states, fashion mannequins, monsters form fairly tales and those which she has created, bodies with deformities, and numbers of grotesquer ies. Her work as beenRead MoreAnalysis Of Julie Mehretu s Paintings2007 Words  | 9 Pageslocations, political situations, and economics. Ultimately she is concerned with how time, place, and space influence communal and personal identity. The idea behind the series stems from Mehretu’s interest in the news and how media is constant in our daily lives. We are constantly being bombarded with information from media sources, whether it is through the television or online. The Stadia series is also a reflection of what the artist was doing around that time in 2004. She was traveling aroundRead MoreAnalyzing Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill4163 Words  | 17 Pagesbig location of open water in the Gulf of Mexico. When injuries to migratory types such as birds, whales, tuna and turtles are thought about, the effects of the Spill might be felt throughout the United States and around the world (USDC, 2012). Narratives A recent CRS report by Ramseur and Hagrety (2012) reports that although interest probably reduced in the 112th Congress, some Members remained to reveal issues concerning numerous oil spill-related policy issues (Ramseur and Hagerty, 2013). TheRead MoreThe Popularity of Soap Operas Essay3534 Words  | 15 PagesThe Popularity of Soap Operas Television researchers have established a number of reasons why soap operas appeal to such a large and diverse audience. In this essay I will be examining these reasons with reference to my own attraction to soaps, and seeing how they fit into the everyday lives of the millions who watch them. Furthermore, I will investigate the way in which the construction and conventions of a soap opera aids its appeal. I will be considering such aspects
A Critique of the research article Free Essays
This report is a summary of findings of the research conducted by Military Family Research Institute and the DOD Quality of Life Office about the issue of adaptation amongst adolescents in military families when a parent is deployed. The aim of research was to find new ways of dealing with the problems adolescents faced because of parent’s deployment – basically, it was done to investigate and probe their feelings about the issue, so that military and civilian program professionals could be more intentional and directed regarding developing support programs for young people (Angela Jay, 2005, p.12). We will write a custom essay sample on A Critique of the research article or any similar topic only for you Order Now Parental deployment can have several negative outcomes for adolescents. These include depression or negative behavioral adjustment, poor academic performance, and increased irritability and impulsiveness (cited in Angela Jay, 2005). The report provided by the authors is detailed and descriptive in nature. It offers a helpful set of conclusions which can be used by professionals, family members, the parent at home, and society in general, to make them understand the impact of deployment of a parent from a child’s perspective. To emphasize the importance of this research, the authors Angela J. Huebner and Jay A. Mancini, wrote the following: Because there are just a few systematic studies of adolescents in military families, the present study marks what we hope will be the beginning of an important line of inquiry. The findings presented in this report should confirm observations made by professionals who work with military adolescents and provide a context for exploring new ways to support adolescents who have a deployed parent. Methods Adolescents between the age group of 12-18 years were chosen from camps sponsored by National Military Family Association. This was done to simplify the process of locating and choosing children with a deployed parent. NMFA camps in Washington, Hawaii, Texas, and Georgia were the ones which participated in this study. The methods used during the research were, first, evaluated and approved by the Institutional Review Board at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In all, there were 107 adolescents ranging from 12-18 years of age. These participants were then divided into 14 focus groups comprising of 8-10 participants each. The questions asked during the 90 min sessions were focused on determining adolescents’ experience with the deployment. The answers which they got were audio-taped and transcribed. It is important to know some key questions which were asked to the participants. Also given below is one answer picked randomly. 1. What is the worst thing about having a parent deployed? â€Å"The worst time is when the phone rings because you don’t know who is calling. They could be calling, telling you that he got shot or something.†2. Do you see changes in your at-home parent when the other is deployed? â€Å"I’m like always worried about my mom and stuff because, again, she’s always dashing everywhere †¦she’s always so freaking worn out.†3. What is it like when that parent returns? â€Å"Well when my dad left, everything’s going one way when he come back, and he’s starting off right where he left so†¦There’s just a big clash and that starts a lot of problems†¦Like he forgets that he’s been gone for like a year or six months. So he still thinks we’re a lot younger and while he was gone we matured a lot over the year. And he’s still trying to treat us the way we were treated a year ago.†Support to adolescents can come from formal or informal sources. The questions asked in this regards was to determine the real effects both such approaches could have individually. 4. Who do you go to when you are stressed? For informal support: â€Å"At first when my dad first got deployed, there was a lot of support as in like people calling, people giving us, you know, food and stuff. But then as time went one, it just kind of died down and nobody really cared that he was deployed.†How to cite A Critique of the research article, Essays
Health And Fitness Case Study - Business Strategy
Question: Make a report on the industries - health and fitness industry and make a executive summary and clear and concise target market, segments and positioning. Make comments on both Micro and Macro environmental forces affecting the company. Answer: Introduction: Marketing of the companies are considered to be the most important aspect to intrigue the presence and development within the selected market and consumer segments (Armstrong et al., 2012). The present aspect within the health and fitness consideration is to be applied and considered within the different organizations, which are present in the same sector. There can be probable aspects and observations to the changing consumer needs and those are to be considered with the perfect attention towards the specific needs and requirements. The health and fitness companies need to develop the understanding and attainment to the consumers with the perfect business presentation and business capitalization. In this report, the company, which is considered, is Fitness First, which is the largest privately owned fitness, and health club and these are also analyzed with the different marketing and business frameworks for developing the knowledge and understanding about the business strategy (Teec e, 2010). The marketing aspects and environmental aspects are considered and developed within the present report and the effect on consumer perception and consumer behaviour is addressed within the company. Fitness First UK Information: The company Fitness First is owned by Oaktree Capital management and is considered as the largest privately owned health and fitness club chain in the world. The company was established in 1993 and at present, the chain is consisting with almost 550 clubs worldwide and consisting with 1 million members in more than 15 countries. Within the UK itself only, there are almost 100 clubs of Fitness First clubs consisting with approximately 250000 members. The company has also acquired Living Well Lady clubs owned by the Hilton group of companies in Australia (, 2015). The company has also acquired the Healthland chain consisting of almost eleven clubs and thus the company has spread its presence in all over the world. The company has specific target segments and consumers in different countries with different business propositions and there were different marketing and promotional activities integrated within the business scenario and business attention within the health and business segments. STP strategy: The business strategy of the company is consisted with different attributes like segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy and those are also integrated with in the business approaches (Armstrong et al., 2012). The STP strategy of the Fitness First is discussed here also for attaining the perfect opportunity and development criteria with the prospective criteria and attention. Segmentation strategy: The segmentation is an important aspect of the marketing and business prospect and those are to be adjusted and justified within the selected consumer segments for developing the correct attention to the market. The company Fitness First has segmented the market with different demographics and psychographic variables and those are also based on the geographic location integration with the proper attainment and development of the strategy (Kapferer, 2012). The company has segmented the consumers based on their earning or income segment, their demographics like age and other variables are selected. Then there are psychographic attentions towards the health and conscious details, which are also segmented within the consumers. The professional and non-professional both types of the consumers are to be adjusted and dedicated within the segmented market. Targeting strategy: The people who are targeted within that mass market are specially clarified within the income range and age with their psychological attention towards the health and fitness. In todays world, there are different consumers like the middle-aged women homemakers or the professional people who are more considerate about their health and fitness. The socio-economic class of people AB and C1 are more attainted by the fitness and health perspectives and they are the most targeted customers by the company. The consumers would be more attentive towards the fitness clubs at their leisure time and they are also considering for better lifestyle and better opportunities. The company Fitness First has rightfully targeted the people with specific need and requirements and the people who are able to join the Fitness First clubs with sufficient amount of earnings. Positioning strategy: The Fitness First has tried to position itself as the premium fitness club and thus it has tried to establish itself as more convincing business entity with perfect attention towards the business and marketing opportunities. The company has been integrated with the specified commercial buildings or high-end places with the perfect attention towards the specific consumers (Buhler and Nufer, 2012). There are different office workers and professional people been targeted by this strategy and also the company has tried to open its clubs in the high society ends where the blue collar people can join the fitness clubs. The company has tried to be evaluated with the specific services and products integrated within the positioning system and that can be critically analyzed with the dimensional mapping with the competitors. The dimensional mapping can give a more clear idea about the companys positioning. Macro and Micro environmental factors: Micro and macro environmental factors are to be developed and framed for understanding the business details and those are to be critically linked and analyzed within the specific variables, which are to be considered and accepted. Macro factors: The macro or environmental factors are external factors, which are to be discussed and developed with separate understanding and framework details within the companys future prospects and attributes. The company has to understand those factors and then critically incorporated those within the specified factors like political, economic, cultural, technology etc (Armstrong et al., 2012). Political and legal: The political and legal framework in any country is to be properly applied to the business and clubs policies as the Fitness First is oriented to the peoples health and fitness attributes, the clubs are to be bound by the local and regional laws and governing policies (Hui, 2011). In that respect, there should be policies and legislations abide by for opening and intriguing new clubs and new branches to be opened in various sectors. Economic: The economic activities are to be also properly integrated within the business conditions and business orientation as the economic opportunities within a country will be more developed and attained within the perfect economic activity within the selected country or global influences. The Fitness First clubs are presumed and positioned as the premium clubs and thus they are opened in the selected regions where the people have the purchasing power for the products and services offered by the club. Socio-cultural: The socio cultural aspects are also the most important options to be included within the society and those are to be highlighted and developed within the personal and professional details of the social class of people. As told before, the socio economic class of AB and C1 are the most likely customers for the Fitness First. The changing social and cultural aspects are favourable to the Fitness First as the people are perpetual towards the health and fitness attributes in the changing society. In UK itself, due to high obesity and higher health attenuation rate, the health and fitness objectives are to be attained and perceived more by the consumers. Technological: Technology plays a significant role in the business attention of the Fitness First as there are different instruments and products, which are to be adjourned and integrated within the services offered by the Fitness First. The clubs are to be associated with the latest and most improved technical instruments to deliver the people with appropriate services and offerings (Hui, 2011). In other way, technological advancements like digital and social media involvement or the MIS integration is also required within the club for presenting and developing the more sustainable and profitable business context. Environmental: Lastly, the environmental aspects of the company are to be justified and developed within the specialised affects and advancements within the system. The company Fitness First has the opportunity and intention for integrating the environmental consideration for the clubs and those are to be developed within the business context of the clubs (Liu and Nie, 2011). The products, operational and services are to be adopted within the environmental adaptation, which are to be properly integrated within the environmental standards and collaboration. Micro factors: Then her are micro factors which are more integrated with the internal factors for attaining the perception and business details for the company. There were separate offerings and policies for each variable and those are like the internal operations, stakeholder, employees etc (Teece, 2010). Consumers: Consumers are the most important micro factors as the consumer depicts the services and the products, which are to be offered. The Fitness First is a service company and thus the fitness and health services are to be provided according to the consumers. The marketing and advertisements should be likewise which are to be adopted and developed within the specific consumer needs to attract more consumers. Employees: Employees are the face of the organization and they are to be trained and perceived as the most important internal factors for the companies. The Fitness First is the fitness club and the services are provided by the employees only who are to be adjusted with the companys vision and mission (Dunn et al., 2012). With more sustainable and perceived services, the company can retain and maintain their consumers and for that the employees are to be trained and introduced with the business and service quality within the company Fitness First. Suppliers: Suppliers are the people who provide the raw materials to the companies and in this case, the instrumentation companies or the other service companies which might integrate within the services of Fitness First. They are to be properly associated with the dedicated services to reach the required quality and business association. Stakeholders: Stakeholders are the people who are directly influenced by the operations of the company. They can be the consumers, the shareholders the employees or the society as a whole. The operations and business context should be beneficial to the companies and those are to be adjusted and developed with the perfect attention for attaining the profitable and sustainable business proposition (Dunn et al., 2012). Media: Media or promotional aspects are also important for a service company like Fitness First and those are required to be more attained with the positive aspects of the company. The negative media attention can decrease the reliability and opportunity of the company and those are to be sustained and perfectly matched with the business operations of the Fitness First (Yi, 2011). Consumer perception and behaviour about Fitness First: Consumer perception and behaviour is to be properly adjusted and compiled within the companys future attainment and services as the consumers perception and development is to be adjusted with perfect collaboration with the business objectives (Surujlal and Dhurup, 2012). If there is, any Gap between those two then he companies might lose the consumers and the business. Consumer perception: The company Fitness First has tried to establish themselves with the effective marketing and positioning concepts and there are several expansion and market development strategies been covered and developed within the present business context. In this respect, the company Fitness First has the opportunity and consideration to develop the consumer perception with the offerings and services from the company. The company has initiated with the rebranding strategies with rebranding opportunities with the perfect consideration and development of the business processes (Perreault, 2011). There is logo and brand statement rebuilt and those are to be presented within the consumer market with more emphasis on future prospects. The Fitness First has not tried t o be premium by integrating swimming pool or other extra assets but it has tried to provide the best instruments and services to the people with sufficient help and consideration. The company has tried to consider the specialised offeri ngs by the services towards the consumer with the proper establishment of management and services with the help of trainers and employees (Grant, 2010). The company has tried to reposition itself with premium fitness service provider and the company Fitness First has also tried to establish the correct business segmentation within the mass market for attaining the proper consumers. Consumer behaviour: Then there is consumer behaviour to be attained within the business proposition and those are to be properly induced with the customer perception and brand image of the company. The consumers who are more selective to the health and fitness attributes are entertained and comprised of the separate entity (Wenjuan, 2012). The consumers and the market segments are to be properly constituted with the sufficient information and offerings and thus the rebranding and marketing campaigns are essential for the company. The company has tried to introduce the fitness and health option as a lifestyle factor to the consumers and thus they have tried to give the better look and feel for the brands. Marketing Mix strategy: The marketing mix strategy is comprised of different marketing variables like product, price, promotion, place, process, people and physical evidence (Armstrong et al., 2012). These aspects are to be properly advised and developed within the business segment and those are to be properly executed within the marketing objectives. There are different products and services which are offered by the company Fitness First. Product: The most intrigued product of the company is the service towards the consumers and those are related to the health and fitness activities within the consumers. There are fitness clubs been introduced and those are the main products of the company (Chen et al., 2010). Apart from that, yoga and lifestyle classes are integrated within the products also. Price: The company has tried to reach the people by considerable pricing but also had tried to maintain the service quality and quantity with the higher pricing solution. The pricing strategies are to be varied with the different aspects of companys objectives (Thompson, 2014). Place: The place is the physical place where the product or service is to be considered. In this aspect, the Fitness First has tried to open the clubs in the professional and high end regions where the selected target groups can easily reach. Also the company is present in more than 15 countries and thus there is sufficient presence of the Fitness First in different aspects. Promotion: The promotion is a bigger attribute and Fitness First has accumulated with different promotional activities within the companys services. The company has tried to integrate with the social and digital media for consideration of the digital aspects and those are intrigued within the promotions (Buhler and Nufer, 2012). The Fitness First also have rebranding strategy and thus the logo, design and the objectives are changed and those are incorporated within the promotions. The company is also a partner to the Olympic and other big events which gave them the promotional sustainability. Process: The process consists of different ways and frameworks to consider with the service offered by the Fitness First. The processes are considered to the making awareness to the consumers to providing them with good services as per the requirement in health and fitness. People: The people are the employees and the trainers who are considered with the services to be approved and delivered within the Fitness First (Wenjuan, 2012). The people are to be knowledgeable and experienced enough to understand the different objectives and then to consider the proper services for the consumers. Physical evidence: Physical evidence is mainly the attribute of the services and the products which are targeted and delivered to the consumers with the proper attention to the various fitness and health concerns. The types and features of the instrumented are to be executed and maintained properly for the physical evidences integrated. Recommendations: The company Fitness First has been present in the fitness and sport market and the company has been trying to integrate and implement the lifestyle segment within the proper products and services developed. In this aspect, the company has also acquired and attained with other fitness clubs. The company has tried to emphasize on the tangible and intangible assets and there are scope to introduce more customized services to the consumers. The company is especially considering the high end consumers and the clubs are opened at the particular regions with the segmented consumers present (Thompson, 2014). There can be scope for expansion also if the company is more intrigued with the mass market and can be diversified with the fitness and health attributes to the mass market consumers. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the above discussed report that the company Fitness First has been present in the fitness and lifestyle segment market and it has been properly analysed with the business proposition and objectives (Murata, 2011). The company Fitness First has been thoroughly intrigued within the fitness classes and clubs and those are oriented towards the segmented market. As per the present business scenario, the market objectives and market orientation are also reconsidered and the company Fitness First has obtained the changed branding and marketing policies (Thompson, 2014). Thus there are proper objectives and business orientations to be framed based on the different theoretical framework and those are responsible for making the Fitness First as the most successful health club. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
English Language and Enlivening Thrill Samples †
Question: Discuss about the English Language and Enlivening Thrill. Answer: Life has so much to offer, and there are so many things in life that make one thrilled and excited. Such feelings of being keyed up are solely personal, and the activities or jobs that become a source of excitement and thrill vary form one person to another. If I am to answer the question of what makes me thrilled or excited, I would right away answer that watching horror movies at night all by myself is possibly the best activity that engrosses me into a world of excitement and thrill. The enlivening thrill of watching a scary movie alone can never be compared to any other emotion. As the women on-screen clad in night gown slowly walks down the hallway, engulfed in semidarkness, my heart begins to race. One never knows when a crazy masked murderer would emerge from the darkness and scare the audience to death. The anticipation is what draws me towards watching such movies whenever there is a possibility to do so. I simply cannot get enough of this habit as I wait in anxiety for the next slasher flick to come up on television. I might know that the consecutive events that are unfolding are purely fictitious. However, the signals that my brain sends to the body is enough to simulate physical reactions that comes as a response to the thrill. The eye movements are rapid and the heart rate increases, and when a sudden fright is encountered, the physical response is rapidly intensified. I would consider myself to have higher sensation-seeking personality attributes. The style of the respective genre might have evolved over the years. However, the elements are to remain the same. A gradual buildup to an action scene that is highly grisly might be too terrifying to watch. I am not able to look away. Though some people might opine that scary movies are to be best watched at the movie theatre, I admit that such movies are to be best enjoyed in the comfort of own space without any distraction. The essence of thill is maximum in such environment. Most of the films masterfully exploit the anxieties I develop, and it is appealing to me when a brutal hand moves across the screen or when a character suddenly moves his head round-about. The movies are meticulous and savage in their crafting and satisfying my quest for the thrill. Some of the horror movies that have grabbed my eyeballs are The Fog, Fright Night, The Guest, Saw, Conjuring and Grindhouse to name a few. The list is non-exhaustive and never-ending, and I would mention that the I even do not remember the names of all the movies that I have watched over the last few years. While some have been watched countless times, others are worth only to be watched once. The ones that I have watched more than once are classics in their own respect and decidedly mature films that imbibe the concept that the scary things of all are the invisible presence prowling in the dark.
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